Next.js Components
TailAdmin: Next.js + Tailwind offer more than 200 dashboard UI components. You can use them to build ReactJS + Tailwind CSS dashboard templates easily.
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TailAdmin: Next.js + Tailwind offer more than 200 dashboard UI components. You can use them to build ReactJS + Tailwind CSS dashboard templates easily.
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To use the Next.js components first you’ll have to import them.
You can do that easily by following this command.
import ComponentName from '../components/ComponentName';
Here are a few examples of the components:
You can add Breadcrumb to your Dashboard by using this Breadcrumb Component.
All you have to do is import it on the page you want to use and pass the required props to it.
import Link from "next/link";
interface BreadcrumbProps {
pageName: string;
const Breadcrumb = ({ pageName }: BreadcrumbProps) => {
return (
<div className="mb-6 flex flex-col gap-3 sm:flex-row sm:items-center sm:justify-between">
<h2 className="text-title-md2 font-semibold text-black dark:text-white">
<ol className="flex items-center gap-2">
<Link className="font-medium" href="/">
Dashboard /
<li className="font-medium text-primary">{pageName}</li>
export default Breadcrumb;
Alerts Components are used to show short messages to the user. You can use it to show warning, error, or success messages.
To use it just import it into the page you want to use show the message and render it.
import Breadcrumb from "@/components/Breadcrumbs/Breadcrumb";
import { Metadata } from "next";
import DefaultLayout from "@/components/Layouts/DefaultLaout";
export const metadata: Metadata = {
title: "Next.js Alerts | TailAdmin - Next.js Dashboard Template",
"This is Next.js Alerts page for TailAdmin - Next.js Tailwind CSS Admin Dashboard Template",
// other metadata
const Alerts = () => {
return (
<Breadcrumb pageName="Alerts" />
<div className="rounded-sm border border-stroke bg-white p-4 shadow-default dark:border-strokedark dark:bg-boxdark md:p-6 xl:p-9">
<div className="flex flex-col gap-7.5">
{/* <!-- Alerts Item --> */}
<div className="flex w-full border-l-6 border-warning bg-warning bg-opacity-[15%] px-7 py-8 shadow-md dark:bg-[#1B1B24] dark:bg-opacity-30 md:p-9">
<div className="mr-5 flex h-9 w-9 items-center justify-center rounded-lg bg-warning bg-opacity-30">
viewBox="0 0 19 16"
d="M1.50493 16H17.5023C18.6204 16 19.3413 14.9018 18.8354 13.9735L10.8367 0.770573C10.2852 -0.256858 8.70677 -0.256858 8.15528 0.770573L0.156617 13.9735C-0.334072 14.8998 0.386764 16 1.50493 16ZM10.7585 12.9298C10.7585 13.6155 10.2223 14.1433 9.45583 14.1433C8.6894 14.1433 8.15311 13.6155 8.15311 12.9298V12.9015C8.15311 12.2159 8.6894 11.688 9.45583 11.688C10.2223 11.688 10.7585 12.2159 10.7585 12.9015V12.9298ZM8.75236 4.01062H10.2548C10.6674 4.01062 10.9127 4.33826 10.8671 4.75288L10.2071 10.1186C10.1615 10.5049 9.88572 10.7455 9.50142 10.7455C9.11929 10.7455 8.84138 10.5028 8.79579 10.1186L8.13574 4.75288C8.09449 4.33826 8.33984 4.01062 8.75236 4.01062Z"
<div className="w-full">
<h5 className="mb-3 text-lg font-semibold text-[#9D5425]">
Attention needed
<p className="leading-relaxed text-[#D0915C]">
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting
industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard
dummy text ever since the 1500s, when
{/* <!-- Alerts Item --> */}
<div className="flex w-full border-l-6 border-[#34D399] bg-[#34D399] bg-opacity-[15%] px-7 py-8 shadow-md dark:bg-[#1B1B24] dark:bg-opacity-30 md:p-9">
<div className="mr-5 flex h-9 w-full max-w-[36px] items-center justify-center rounded-lg bg-[#34D399]">
viewBox="0 0 16 12"
d="M15.2984 0.826822L15.2868 0.811827L15.2741 0.797751C14.9173 0.401867 14.3238 0.400754 13.9657 0.794406L5.91888 9.45376L2.05667 5.2868C1.69856 4.89287 1.10487 4.89389 0.747996 5.28987C0.417335 5.65675 0.417335 6.22337 0.747996 6.59026L0.747959 6.59029L0.752701 6.59541L4.86742 11.0348C5.14445 11.3405 5.52858 11.5 5.89581 11.5C6.29242 11.5 6.65178 11.3355 6.92401 11.035L15.2162 2.11161C15.5833 1.74452 15.576 1.18615 15.2984 0.826822Z"
<div className="w-full">
<h5 className="mb-3 text-lg font-semibold text-black dark:text-[#34D399] ">
Message Sent Successfully
<p className="text-base leading-relaxed text-body">
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting
{/* <!-- Alerts Item --> */}
<div className="flex w-full border-l-6 border-[#F87171] bg-[#F87171] bg-opacity-[15%] px-7 py-8 shadow-md dark:bg-[#1B1B24] dark:bg-opacity-30 md:p-9">
<div className="mr-5 flex h-9 w-full max-w-[36px] items-center justify-center rounded-lg bg-[#F87171]">
viewBox="0 0 13 13"
d="M6.4917 7.65579L11.106 12.2645C11.2545 12.4128 11.4715 12.5 11.6738 12.5C11.8762 12.5 12.0931 12.4128 12.2416 12.2645C12.5621 11.9445 12.5623 11.4317 12.2423 11.1114C12.2422 11.1113 12.2422 11.1113 12.2422 11.1113C12.242 11.1111 12.2418 11.1109 12.2416 11.1107L7.64539 6.50351L12.2589 1.91221L12.2595 1.91158C12.5802 1.59132 12.5802 1.07805 12.2595 0.757793C11.9393 0.437994 11.4268 0.437869 11.1064 0.757418C11.1063 0.757543 11.1062 0.757668 11.106 0.757793L6.49234 5.34931L1.89459 0.740581L1.89396 0.739942C1.57364 0.420019 1.0608 0.420019 0.740487 0.739944C0.42005 1.05999 0.419837 1.57279 0.73985 1.89309L6.4917 7.65579ZM6.4917 7.65579L1.89459 12.2639L1.89395 12.2645C1.74546 12.4128 1.52854 12.5 1.32616 12.5C1.12377 12.5 0.906853 12.4128 0.758361 12.2645L1.1117 11.9108L0.758358 12.2645C0.437984 11.9445 0.437708 11.4319 0.757539 11.1116C0.757812 11.1113 0.758086 11.111 0.75836 11.1107L5.33864 6.50287L0.740487 1.89373L6.4917 7.65579Z"
<div className="w-full">
<h5 className="mb-3 font-semibold text-[#B45454]">
There were 1 errors with your submission
<li className="leading-relaxed text-[#CD5D5D]">
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing
export default Alerts;
Accordion components allow you to add functionality like FAQ.
To add an FAQ to your project import the Accordion Component and pass the required props to it.
That’s it, you’ll have a beautifully looking FAQ section.
import React, { useRef } from "react";
import { FaqItem } from "@/types/faqItem";
const AccordionItemOne: React.FC<FaqItem> = ({ active, handleToggle, faq }) => {
const contentEl = useRef<HTMLDivElement>(null);
const { header, id, text } = faq;
return (
<div className="rounded-md border border-stroke p-4 shadow-9 dark:border-strokedark dark:shadow-none sm:p-6">
className={`flex w-full items-center gap-1.5 sm:gap-3 xl:gap-6 ${
active === id ? "active" : ""
onClick={() => handleToggle(Number(id))}
<div className="flex h-10.5 w-full max-w-10.5 items-center justify-center rounded-md bg-[#F3F5FC] dark:bg-meta-4">
className={`fill-primary stroke-primary duration-200 ease-in-out dark:fill-white dark:stroke-white ${
active === id ? "rotate-180" : ""
viewBox="0 0 18 10"
d="M8.28882 8.43257L8.28874 8.43265L8.29692 8.43985C8.62771 8.73124 9.02659 8.86001 9.41667 8.86001C9.83287 8.86001 10.2257 8.69083 10.5364 8.41713L10.5365 8.41721L10.5438 8.41052L16.765 2.70784L16.771 2.70231L16.7769 2.69659C17.1001 2.38028 17.2005 1.80579 16.8001 1.41393C16.4822 1.1028 15.9186 1.00854 15.5268 1.38489L9.41667 7.00806L3.3019 1.38063L3.29346 1.37286L3.28467 1.36548C2.93287 1.07036 2.38665 1.06804 2.03324 1.41393L2.0195 1.42738L2.00683 1.44184C1.69882 1.79355 1.69773 2.34549 2.05646 2.69659L2.06195 2.70196L2.0676 2.70717L8.28882 8.43257Z"
<h4 className="text-left text-title-xsm font-medium text-black dark:text-white">
className={`ml-16.5 mt-5 duration-200 ease-in-out ${
active === id ? "block" : "hidden"
<p className="font-medium">{text}</p>
export default AccordionItemOne;